Unhealthy Drinking Habits to OvercomeWhen you want to keep up healthy weight control, avoiding unhealthy drinking habits that slow down your metabolism can be an important part of your strategy.  The difference this can make is surprising and is certainly worth understanding.  If you’re trying to lose weight – or even just prevent gaining – then have a look at the following to be sure you’re not making any of these mistakes.

Unhealthy Drinking Habits Can be Hard to Spot

While it’s obvious to most of us that if we want to lose weight, we shouldn’t be overdoing it with certain foods. Cheesecake, candy bars and potato chips should all be consumed in carefully controlled portions, for example.  That said, what many of us forget is that unhealthy drinking habits can be just as damaging to our results as overeating.

After all, not only can beverages contain calories, sugars, fats, and alcohol, but they also don’t typically offer the hunger satiation that food can provide, meaning that it is far easier to overdo it with the wrong drinks than it can be with the wrong foods.

Unhealthy Drinking Habits to Avoid for Better Weight Control

The following are the top 5 unhealthy drinking habits to cut out of your lifestyle right away to achieve instantly improved control over your weight control efforts.

1 – You’re Letting Yourself Dehydrate

Having enough water every day is one of the fastest, easiest and cheapest ways to make certain that your body is at its most efficient, that you’re giving it everything it needs for natural metabolism support, and to avoid hunger pangs that are caused by feeling thirsty.   A recent paper published in the Frontiers in Nutrition journal indicated that it might also have a measurable impact on glucose metabolism.

2 – Your Alcohol Intake is Too High

No matter whether you love beer, wine or cocktails, if you take in too much alcohol – either all at once or on a regular basis – you’re giving your metabolism a considerable disadvantage. This impact only worsens as you age.  Alcohol changes the way the body function and can even alter the way certain nutrients are absorbed, including those that play a central role in your metabolic rate. On top of that, it doesn’t help that alcohol contains a lot of calories without being either filling or nutritious.

3 – You’re Still Drinking Juice

Despite considerable efforts by health experts and authorities to discourage people from drinking juice because it is an unhealthy drinking habit, it’s still a common favorite, and the 100% fruit juice label still indicates to many of us that it is a healthy beverage. The truth is that there is little nutritional difference between drinking fruit juice and having a soda, particularly in terms of the sugar content. If you’re thirsty, have water with lemon, lime or cucumber in it and leave the juice at the grocery store.