Habits to Speed Up Your MetabolismYour daily habits have a lot to do with whether you speed up your metabolism or slow it down.  This, in turn, can decide whether you find it easier or harder to lose, maintain, or gain weight. After all, your metabolic rate is what determines how quickly you burn through the calories you’ve eaten.  It helps in balancing everything from your blood pressure to blood sugar levels to your cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

What Can You Change to Speed Up Your Metabolism?

We all know that there are things that you can do to speed up your metabolism.  However, there are also habits you may have that are slowing it down.  In that area, there are things that you can change in order to give your metabolic rate a boost. Most are very simple and straightforward. In fact, the majority are better for your overall health, not just in making it easier to achieve your weight goals.

Speed Up Your Metabolism by Breaking These 5 Habits

The following are five bad habits you can break to speed up your metabolism because they’ve been slowing you down.

1 – Eat Enough Food Every Day

Despite the fact that doctors, scientists, and millions of people have known for decades that eating too little is a quick way to slow the metabolic rate, far too many people are still doing it. Eating too few calories every day makes the body switch into starvation mode, preserving its energy stores instead of burning through them.  Yes, a calorie deficit can help you lose weight, but only within a certain range.  Too few calories make the struggle harder.  Speed up your metabolism by making sure you’re eating a healthy balance of nutrients and calories every day.

2 – Get Active

A sedentary lifestyle is a quick way to tell your body that you don’t need to burn through any extra stored fats.  To speed up your metabolism, get active on a regular basis.  Try to get up and stretch at least once per hour, moving your entire body.  Moreover, aim to get a half hour of moderate to intense exercise on most days of the week. You can even break it into two or three sessions throughout the day if you can’t carve out a full half hour for a workout.

3 – Get Your Macronutrient Balance Right

Macronutrients – carbohydrates, proteins, and fats – all play a role in our overall wellness. That said, most of us aren’t eating them in a balance that is all that helpful to our bodies. Using a tracking app to understand our typical macronutrient ratio each day and applying that information to tweak meals and snacks can ensure that the food we eat better serves our goals.

4 – Get Enough Sleep

Our busy lives tend to require us to make sacrifices. When it comes to making more time in our days to get things done, our sleep often ends up being one of those sacrifices. Unfortunately, that leads to a full spectrum of unwanted outcomes that only hold us back from reaching goals in terms of physical and mental health, productivity, alertness and even weight loss. Prioritize sleep. Try a nighttime sleep aid to help get yourself onto a healthy sleeping schedule. It will make a tremendous difference that you’ll start seeing pretty quickly.

5 – Dump the Junk Food

When you want to speed up your metabolism, leave the highly processed foods behind you.  This doesn’t mean that you can never have them again but save them for a rare treat instead of a typical option. New reputable research shows that the quality of your food plays just as much of a role as the calories you’re consuming when it comes to your ease of weight loss. Give your body the advantage it needs by choosing healthier foods on a regular basis.