Common Metabolism MythsMetabolism myths are absolutely everywhere. Social media and the web as a whole help to make sure that they are well circulated and rarely fade into oblivion.  While many of them are essentially harmless, believing the wrong ones can mean that you’re not adopting the everyday habits that are best for your health and goals.

Common Metabolism Myths Holding You Back

Discover the truth behind these metabolism myths, and you’ll already be on the right track to make tweaks to your habits to get the most from your metabolic rate. How many of the following have you been believing until now? How many quick and easy changes can you now make to improve your body’s energy use and therefore, calorie burning rate?

1 – Intermittent Fasting Boosts Your Metabolic Rate

Intermittent fasting is certainly popular at the moment and many people have used this timing-based eating strategy to successfully lose weight. However, the advantage this type of dieting provides isn’t due to the metabolic rate. That’s one of the most commonly believed metabolism myths.  Fasting in any form doesn’t speed things up. Intermittent fasting offers a range of benefits that can work in favor of weight loss, but that just isn’t one of them. In fact, fasting done wrong can slow down the rate!

2 – The Nighttime Metabolic Rate is Slower Than in the Daytime

Research shows that the metabolic rate isn’t any slower overnight than it is during the daytime. It does fluctuate at both times, and because you’ll be inactive while you’re sleeping, it’s not a good idea to have a huge meal before bedtime, but the body does a lot of processing during sleep, and that burns through energy too.

3 – You Have No Control Over Whether It’s Fast or Slow

This is among the most frustrating metabolism myths. The reason is that many people believe they’re stuck with what they’ve got.  It’s true that heredity does play a role, there are many factors perfectly within your control that can change your rate of calorie burning.

Nutrition balance, regular physical activity, sleep quality, stress, and other factors all play a role. Learning about improvements you can make in those areas can help you to give yourself a meaningful advantage.

4 – Detoxes and Cleanses Are Top Metabolism Myths

Detoxes and cleanses are finally starting to fade away from when their fad piqued a few years ago, but they’re still kicking around, and many people are duped into trying them in the hopes of boosting energy levels and speeding up the metabolism. People claim that it helps to clean out the liver, kidneys and/or digestive tract. That said, those organs are regularly emptying.

Unless you have a specific medical condition, in which case you should consult a doctor and not try a detox or cleanse, toxins simply do not build up in those parts of your body. Any surgeon will tell you that accumulations of toxins are not found in those organs in healthy people. If you’re not sure that toxins are being adequately flushed from your body, simply drinking water and eating enough fiber will be everything you need to speed up the process. It’s a natural function of your body.